Roadmap & Tokenomics

Updated: 14/5/2024

Potential Megapool 2.0

Vladimir from Puzzleswap and I have been exploring the idea, that I lead development of megapool 2.0 smart contracts, which will benefit all project's pools.

Megapool AMM with: 

Combined Tokenomics

BURN-XTN: keeps growing it's AMM liquidity and with it the trading fees earnings increases. All the while burning BURN-XTN, XTN and SURF tokens every week.

WHIRLPOOL: works on perpetual treasury growth, funds are invested in DeFi protocols, yielding high returns, which also backs the WHIRLPOOL tokens value.

BBB & WFS: backed by PUZZLE and/or ROME staking rewards, which are used to invest in their own pool, resulting in constant buy pressure for BURN-XTN and WHIRLPOOL.

Integrating various tokenomics models for a robust and diversified synergy.