Issues weak tokenomics:

Solutions strong tokenomics:


Earned trading fees are used to increase liquidity and decrease BURN-XTN supply, resulting in continous liquidity and price growth.

Increase project treasury:

Deflation by 🔥burning tokens:

Buyback and burn a certain amount of BURN-XTN, XTN and SURF every day.
Plus BURN-XTN trading fees from 🔥BURN-XTN / 🔷sWAVES
Amount of BURN-XTN, XTN and SURF tokens burned will be increased up to 5% of project income, when the treasury grows.

Constant buy pressure from: 

Managed Pools

Puzzle Megapools

Megapools will be rebalanced with changes in tokens, pool weights and trading fees according to expected market conditions in the coming weeks up to months, expected future value of tokens and competition in trading fees. 

General rebalancing guidelines followed are:

WX pools

gWX vote and liquidity allocation adjusted according to expected market conditions.

Token Utilities and Features

BURN-XTN token features a high ratio of liquidity versus market cap.
The token is currently available in multiple liquidity pools and trades constantly versus different crypto assets.

BURN-XTN token available at:

Puzzle Swap

Token Information and Statistics

See image below, different tabs for all information:
